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Bitcoin Solutions

Bitcoin Solutions

Bitcoin is the base monetary layer of the internet and has the potential to be the world’s reserve asset. Lexbury Bitcoin has been established to help individuals acquire, safely secure and protect bitcoin.

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Bullion Solutions

Bullion Solutions

Gold & Silver coins and bars have been considered the true form of money for thousands of years. Lexbury Bullion has been established to help individuals learn about the benefits of precious metals acquisition and investing.

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Lexbury Bitcoin & Bullion Strategic Solutions

Education & Insights

Education & Insights

  • Discussions and exploratory dialogue on the basic tenets of “why bitcoin and bullion”. Perspectives on the benefits of assets with no counter-party risk.
  • Deeper dives on the history of money and what makes assets preserve value over time.
Storage & Security

Storage & Security

  • Risks and benefits of self sovereign storage.
  • Security considerations.
  • Operational security.
  • Multi signature and multi-party options.
Ownership & Execution

Ownership & Execution

  • Overview on sovereign ownership philosophies.
  • Exploration of execution strategies.
  • Alternative acquisition concepts and strategies.
Legacy & Wealth Cycles

Legacy & Wealth Cycles

  • Long term horizon outlook with consideration to multi-generation assets.
  • Outlook on wealth cycles - know when to convert to other assets.
  • Economic trends and impacts on wealth.
  • Low time preference vs. high time preference.

Lexbury Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a fundamentally unique asset in that it can be truly owned by individuals.

There is no counterparty risk and complete sovereign ownership - no permission required.

There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin issued. The first and only true representation of digital scarcity. The bitcoin protocol is decentralized, meaning no one person or group of people are in charge. The users, dispersed globally, are those that uphold the consensus of the protocol. As such no one can change the rules of the network.


Lexbury's Little Book of Bitcoin - eBook and hard copy available soon!

Providing insights and ideas on the perptual bitcoin journey, including a brief history of the discovery and development of Bitcoin, perspectives on its importance in the world today, opinions on its impact on and benefits to society, ideas on valuation parameters and rationale for why it’s an important consideration for one's overall wealth and sovereignty.

Bitcoin can be used on a permissionless basis, one can send bitcoin to anyone else, without requesting permission from anyone for the transaction to occur. This level of transaction freedom is like cash, but not limited to face to face transactions. Bitcoin can be sent anywhere in the world and in any amount.

The bitcoin network is secured by the largest computer network in the world. The bitcoin network has never been “hacked” and the bitcoin you own is secured by an unassailable wall of “proof of work” energy supporting this security.

Bitcoin is the base monetary layer of the internet and has the potential to be the world’s reserve asset.

Interested in Lexbury Bitcoin?

Lexbury Bitcoin has been established to help individuals acquire, safely secure and protect bitcoin. Should you wish to explore why owning bitcoin is a once in a lifetime opportunity, please reach out for an exploratory confidential discussion.

Lexbury Bullion

In an environment of monumental government deficits, funded from the issuance of exponentially increasing government debt, paid for by the printing of seemingly endless levels of currency units, the value of the currency units you hold are becoming less and less valuable.

Gold & Silver coins and bars have been considered the true form of money for thousands of years.

Gold has maintained its purchasing power throughout time. Gold is a real wealth preserver. Silver is both a money and an industrial metal, where demand has been increasing considerably with the advent of the green revolution. Silver is also an excellent form of money for smaller value transactions. Silver price volatility is typically higher than that of gold, and as such upside price swings can occur at a rapid pace.

Gold and silver held in a physical form in your possession (not as a paper IOU) is a sovereign solution to allow for wealth and purchasing power preservation over the long term.

There are also solutions available to hold gold and silver bullion through your registered retirement savings accounts.

Lexbury Bullion Report Coming Soon!

For more info, please request the Lexbury Bullion Investing report, a primer on many of the factors that make bullion investing and ownership an important wealth preserver and diversifier.

Interested in Lexbury Bullion?

Lexbury Bullion has been established to help individuals learn about the benefits of bullion acquisition and investing. Should you wish to explore why owning bullion is an important wealth preservation and diversification tool, please reach out for an exploratory confidential discussion.